【Date of publication】2013/3/29 【Publication】Okinawa City Office
【Number of pages】74page 【Format】Letter size irregular 【Weight of book】120g
【Price】700円 【Sales status】On sale
This is a special issue published on the occasion of the 40th anniversary of Okinawa’s reversion to Japanese administration. A reflection is made once again on what reversion meant for Okinawa City, based on the testimonies of people in various sectors of the society such as the Business Center Street Association, advertising business, welfare administration, child care and medical care. In addition, this issue contains local reports discussing the terrain/landscape of Koza City prior to the business center city plan as well as the transition of the souvenir business. Issue No. 9 is solid reading matter for deciphering memories of the years gone by.
 『星条旗新聞/STARS AND STRIPES』が伝える「復帰」
 座談会 センター通りから中央パークアベニューへ
●KOZA BUNKA BOX 創刊号~第8号 執筆原稿の紹介